
Handlotion "Pfalzliebe" 200ml

Pfalzliebe für die Hände! Unsere beliebte Handlotion gibt es nicht nur mit kernigen Pfälzer Sprüchen, sondern jetzt auch in der "Pfalzliebe"-Edition. 

Die ist das "Beschde fer die Händ"! Unsere Handcreme mit dem tollen, leichten Duft nach Kokos, Vanille, Grenadine und roten Früchten zieht schnell ein und hinterlässt ein samtiges Gefühl. Denn drin steckt, was drauf steht - Neben ganz viel Liebe ist der Wirkstoff unserer Kosmetik Bio Traubenkernöl aus der Pfalz. Wahre Pfalzliebe für auf die Hand! 

Produkt ist verfügbar 

Pfalzliebe für die Hände! Unsere beliebte Handlotion gibt es nicht nur mit kernigen Pfälzer Sprüchen, sondern jetzt auch in der "Pfalzliebe"-Edition. 

Die ist das "Beschde fer die Händ"! Unsere Handcreme mit dem tollen, leichten Duft nach Kokos, Vanille, Grenadine und roten Früchten zieht schnell ein und hinterlässt ein samtiges Gefühl. Denn drin steckt, was drauf steht - Neben ganz viel Liebe ist der Wirkstoff unserer Kosmetik Bio Traubenkernöl aus der Pfalz. Wahre Pfalzliebe für auf die Hand! 

Pfalzliebe für die Hände! Unsere beliebte Handlotion gibt es nicht nur mit kernigen Pfälzer Sprüchen, sondern jetzt auch in der "Pfalzliebe"-Edition. 

Die ist das "Beschde fer die Händ"! Unsere Handcreme mit dem tollen, leichten Duft nach Kokos, Vanille, Grenadine und roten Früchten zieht schnell ein und hinterlässt ein samtiges Gefühl. Denn drin steckt, was drauf steht - Neben ganz viel Liebe ist der Wirkstoff unserer Kosmetik Bio Traubenkernöl aus der Pfalz. Wahre Pfalzliebe für auf die Hand! 

Anti-Aging Wirkstoffkosmetik aus der Pfalz

Die einzigartige Formel unserer Palavin Produkte kombiniert mehrere Inhaltsstoffe, die alle wissenschaftlich erwiesene anti-aging Eigenschaften haben.
Auf Basis unseres Pfälzer Traubenkernöls  haben wir  eine natürliche, vegane Hautpflege mit regionalen Inhaltsstoffen enwickelt. Unsere Kosmetik verleiht - bei richtiger und regelmäßiger Anwendung - der Haut spürbar mehr Vitalität und frisches, natürliches Aussehen.

Optimale Pflege für die Haut Dank Traubenkernöl

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Aus Pfälzer Trauben
Traubenkerne enthalten wertvolles OPC, ein natürlicher Anti-Aging Wirkstoff.

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Natürliche Kosmetik
Körperpflege, Gesichtspflege, Handpflege - Alles ganz natürlich. Ohne Parabene, Silikone und Mineralöle - dafür aber vegan.

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Beste Qualität
Natürliche rohstoffe von höchster Qualität, die für ihre Wirkkraft bekannt sind.

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

Natural nail care with the Blush Pen

Are you looking for natural-based nail care that really works? Then you've come to the right place at Supplend. Our Nail Care Pen can be perfectly integrated into your daily beauty routine. It complements the treatment of bald nails. The natural ingredients help you get your healthy nails back. You no longer have to rely solely on traditional bald nail products that only fight the bald nail itself and neglect the care of your nails. The Nail Care Pen provides cosmetic care for fungal nail infections and can be used several times a day.

A pen for attractive and groomed nails:

• Your tool for effectively fighting minor inflammation,
• promotes the regeneration of your nails,
• provides plenty of hydration and
•  has an antioxidant effect.

But where exactly does this advanced product come from? The Blush Pen comes from Tyrol, Austria. Together with the highest quality natural ingredients and the latest scientific knowledge, our Blush Pen will become an indispensable treatment method for chalk nails for you. We have already been able to convince many customers of our Blush Pen.

Effectively fight and prevent chalk nails

Especially when your own nails are optically affected, discolored and crumbling, people wonder how to quickly remedy the fungal infection. This is not surprising, since we see our fingers and feet throughout the day, especially in summer, when open shoes are usually worn. However, the hot and humid climate in closed shoes during the summer months is not conducive to rapid healing. Unfortunately, it must be said that treatment of bald nails is usually long-term, especially if it has already spread further. Regardless of the severity of the condition, topical treatment is always recommended. In more difficult cases, your doctor may prescribe ointments or a medication to treat bald nails.

Our Blush Pen is a natural cosmetic support for fighting chalky nails. The aloe vera present can strengthen the microflora of the natural nail and provide the nail with the necessary hydration. Whether there is a fungal infection or not - the Blush Pen cares in a gentle and lasting way. On the one hand, aloe vera contributes to this as well as the vitamin C present.

Wat is kalknagel en hoe kan het ontstaan?

Lime nail is a fungal infection that manifests itself on the fingernails and toenails. However, the latter are much more frequently affected because our feet are exposed to greater mechanical stresses. This type of stress can cause small injuries to develop more quickly, which can be an ideal gateway for pathogens or fungi. Moreover, people often walk barefoot in the summer, which can additionally trigger minor injuries. In swimming pools, in the sauna or in the shower of your gym, there is a warm and humid climate. Fungi love this climate. In short, getting a chalky nail can happen incredibly quickly. You should not be ashamed of this, because it can happen to anyone. But: you need to do something against the infection to avoid risks. Lime nail can cause the nails to become permanently damaged, broken and look unsightly. Typically, the nail initially appears dull or matte. Over time, it turns yellowish-white. Therefore, a major concern for those affected is to get rid of the chalky nail as soon as possible. With our Blush Pen, this is no longer wishful thinking, as it is your helper for your nails and helps you get back your healthy and strong nails.

The Blush Pen against bald nails: application

If you want to fight an acute fungal infection, your new Blush Pen can provide cosmetic support here. Ideally morning, noon and night. If you use it so regularly, it will last for about a month. For best results, we recommend lightly filing the affected areas of the nail to remove the brittle parts. After successfully completing this step, apply your Blush Pen to the affected areas and let the solution soak in there....

Aloe Vera: What are the benefits of this wonder plant?

The Aloe Vera plant is not only a classic houseplant, but also a so-called medicinal plant. Its numerous health and beauty applications are almost endless. Therefore, it is also an important ingredient of our Blush Pen. The sap of this plant has several healing properties. For example, the gel has cooling properties for open wounds and promotes the healing process for injuries. In general, this plant is suitable for poorly healing wounds. As for our Blush Pen, Aloe Vera gives your nails moisture and supports their regeneration. In addition, Aloe Vera strengthens the nail microflora. As you can see, our Blush Pen benefits from natural ingredients and their effects.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol, is one of the best known vitamins. It protects our cells from free radicals and is involved in various metabolic processes. This important vitamin is not only important in the daily diet, but also offers many benefits for the care of skin and nails.This vitamin is especially important in connection with our Blush Pen, as it regulates pH levels and stimulates collagen synthesis. In addition, it protects cells from oxidative stress. Our Blush Pen is an advanced preventative that, unlike a conventional nail fungus medication, can also treat your nail fungus infection cosmetically. The goal is not only to cure the nail fungal infection, but also to restore the natural beauty of your nails.

What if I don't need the Blush Pen anymore? Take your nail care to the next level!

Honestly: you can actually use the Blush Pen anytime, because it takes care of your nails naturally, even without a possible fungal infection. It protects and strengthens the normal nail structure and can give you attractive nails. Probably everyone knows how strongly finger and toe nails can affect self-confidence. And because of its practical size, you can even easily keep the pen in your handbag - nail care on the go. Your nail growth will thank you.

Natural care for your well-being from Blush

We want our products to help you incorporate natural and healthy routines into your daily life. Instead of relying on chemical compositions, we formulate our products based on a combination of modern science and proven natural ingredients. The foundation of your health is the supply of all essential nutrients. Our products provide you with valuable vitamins and minerals that can support you in various areas of life. With us, not just one symptom is the focus. Instead, we develop our supplements with a holistic view. The Blush Pen, like all of Blush's products, is animal-free and 100% vegan produced right in the middle of Austria. With Blush, you can rely on high-quality ingredients and premium quality.